We create a stride left hand style for “Georgia” and we explore some useful beginner stride piano drills using the harmony of the tune.
A course dedicated to elegant stride for jazz ballads. We use the harmonically rich tune “Body & Soul” to explore stride, melodic embellishment, fills, runs, and improvisation.
In this series of lessons you will learn the essential skills needed to play stride piano confidently and creatively.
In this lesson, we introduce a stride left hand style over the bridge of the tune “In A Sentimental Mood”.
We explore the gospel stride style using the tune “Down By The River Side”. We cover bass notes, voicings, and right hand melodies.
Welcome to this lesson where we will explore various approaches to playing the melody of a jazz standard over a stride left hand style.
We will work on our recognition of major 9th, minor 9th, & dominant 13th rootless voicings using a left hand stride drill.
Henry Butler was a master of jazz and blues and in this lesson we will examine his unique “Stride Funk” approach to New Orleans Piano.
The stride left hand style drives forward the pulse of the tune and frees up our right hand for melodic embellishment and decoration.
We build upon what we have covered in the previous tutorials by introducing upper structure triads, sus chords and a stride style.