Learn the nuances of minor harmony and improvisation using “In A Sentimental Mood”. We explore the 3 minor scales and their roles in improvisation.
In tandem with the launch of the “Cocktail Piano Improv Course”, Hayden hosts a workshop to help students get started with cocktail style improvisation over their favourite jazz ballads.
A course dedicated to elegant stride for jazz ballads. We use the harmonically rich tune “Body & Soul” to explore stride, melodic embellishment, fills, runs, and improvisation.
In this course we explore stride drills for beginners, harmonising and reharmonising the melody, adding runs and fills, and techniques for improvisation and soloing.
Learn how to play and improvise in the cocktail piano style. We cover chord voicings, chord progressions, and improvisation techniques for solo jazz piano.
We continue our exploration of solo jazz piano techniques by analysing this recording of “Body & Soul” by YouTube musician Pianista Italiano.